Monday, September 3, 2007

Dreading my return to REALITY

Here I sit in Heathrow Airport on this grand adventure back to the forefront of reality! (Inside I silently scream 'I don't want to go... I don't like reality... take me back to the bush where a smile goes a long way and homework doesn't exsist').
But the facts are true and I am already through security. I am planning on uploading pictures and more stories over the next couple of weeks but just to tie you over, I thought that I will share but one story from my Congo adventure:
Our team of 9 people are waiting outside our hotel (it was too unsafe to camp!!), Finally our ride and guide show up. We are told that our upcoming adventure will take place just 60 Km away... In my western brain that was exiting because in Canada 60Km takes less than an hour to drive. Quickly my hopes were brought back to reality, they told us that it was going to take 3 hours... immediatly I pictured the worst road imaginable. Then we began our journey in two vehicles, one SUV and one small Toyota truck. After 28km we had been travelling for 2 hours and 45 minute... I realized that we would not be there in 15 minutes. I realized this as I grabbed my belonging and walked away from the SUV!!! We were over heated and stuck in the biggest mud puddle I had seen up the taht point (looking back it was relitivly small!) So 14 of us and all of our stuff piled onto that tiny and amzing toyota truck and travelled on and off between getting stuck, pushing the truck, and walking long distances. Night fell, and the Jungle came to life... It was amazing, I was quite pleased to be stuck in the most beautiful, albeit dangerous, place on earth. We did finally arrive at our destination, NINE hours after we left. We arrived to hundreds of villagers dancing and singing... they had been waiting 2 days for our arrival, we joined in, danced and sung and had a blast!!
I missed out A LOT of details but I need to go catch a plane so I can update you even more.

Love and Blessings