Sunday, June 14, 2009

Some of my Favourite Things...

So I have been here 7 weeks now and I have realized that I have been silent in the blogging world for too long! This week I would like to share a few of my favourite things about being here in Mozambique.

Since my last blog 80+ westerners have arrived for our missions/cultural school. I have the joy of leading and staffing in this school. One of my favourite things is living in community. I lived in my house by myself for a month, it was sort of lonely. Now I have 5 ladies living with me and they each bring me so much joy!

I love swimming in the Indian Ocean... and then climbing in giant trees with my friends and stuffed monkey named Cheeky.

I love going to the village of Mieze with the medical outreach nurse. I find myself playing for ages with a little boy with cerebral palsy.... he is just TOO cute, his name is Omari. He is just starting to walk so I am actually helping him develop his leg muscles ;)

I love worshiping God in community everyday

I love helping people adjust to this lifestyle

I love the chicken shack!!

I love the Joy that I live in.

I love teaching about HIV and AIDS to over 100 villagers in Mieze

I have also fallen in love with sitting with people with AIDS. I love to hug them and pray with them and learn Makua from them. I think that I could spend my whole life just hugging these ladies with HIV.

I also love the fact that beautiful sunsets happen EVERY single day!!!!

I think that I could keep going for ages and ever but instead I think that I am just going to post some pictures of a few of these things and carry on with my day.

Blessings on you and all that you do!!

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