Monday, May 18, 2009

As my eyes are opened...

I know that I often write about my experiences and adventures here in Africa, and that in telling these stories I reveal that I am greatly enjoying myself... and I am!  But there is a part of my everyday life here that I have yet to find words for.   Every day I come face to face with extreme poverty.  I am surrounded by amazingly precious people who are in circumstances that I cannot imagine, yet I am here witnessing it.  I am a problem solver but I cannot solve poverty.  I also face every day my own affluence.  I also cannot solve this.  I am a student; I live off student loans and the love of those around me... but I am rich beyond measure.   Every Sunday we open our kitchen to anyone who is hungry.  We feed close to 2000 people lunch every Sunday.  This has been happening for years.  The first time that I was here in 2006, there was often riots on Sunday because the people were so afraid that there wouldn’t be enough food.  Now there is order and lines and hand washing, the people know that there will be enough food.  But today as I was helping to serve these precious people, I realized the beans that my hands were covered in are most likely the only source of protein that these people will eat for the whole week.  Today, as I did dishes and served food, my heart broke (again).  Oh how I wish I could provide for all these people.  What also touched my heart today was the joy that I witnessed in the people.  As I went into the masses of children to pick up dirty plates many of the kids would follow me laughing and playing... I could not have found all the empty plates without their help.  As I took that pile of plates I did not just leave it on the counter but took it right to the massive sinks and did the dishes... the smiles on the kitchen staffs faces could not be matched... I wash plates much slower than them!  Every day this culture and these people are impacting my life.  I hope and pray that I can love them well.  That is the reason that I am here, to love the one in front of me.  What does real life love look like in this kind of poverty?  

Well the day is ready to begin, I am sure it will bring with it new opportunities to love people.  I wish that I had the words to truly convey what I experience here.  Please continue to pray that I will have wisdom and strength to face each day.  Also please pray that the people that I interact with this week would experience God.  Thanks for reading my thoughts.

Blessings and Back Rubs



Deb's Den said...

Thank you Candace for your grace and genuine kindness. Your blog has inspired me. I see you living your life to a song by Brandon Heath "Give me Your Eyes..."

"Give me Your eyes for just one second, give me Your eyes so I can see, everything that I keep missing. Give me Your love for humanity.

Give me Your arms for the broken hearted. The ones that are far beyond my reach, Give me Your heart for the once forgotten. Give me Your eyes so I can see..."

Thank you! Be blessed as you pray.

Unknown said...

Candace - I am now in Japan, and finally have the time to read all the blogs and catch up with your exciting and learning adventure!
Please know that though I have not emailed regularly, you and those you meet, have been regularly upheld in my thoughts and prayers.
It is so good to read and see you sharing who you are, where you are!
Smiles, hugs and blessings,